1. What is the most important aspect of designing a character for an animated feature?
2. My third answer is about the next step in animation: the storyboarding process.
3. Storyboards consist of sketched scenes on a series of panels, somewhat like in a comic book. The panels are meant to show the progression of the script from beginning to end. Every motion-picture, cartoon, and animated short had to be “pitched” as a storyboard in order to receive approval and begin animating.
The purpose of the storyboard is to get an idea of how the storyline will play out and if it is good enough to put into actual animation. The storyboard will often include notes about camera angles, character actions, and dialogue.
Here is an excellent example of a storyboard and how it is used. One of the storyboard artists from SpongeBob Squarepants is shown here pitching an idea for an episode; showing his storyboard during his presentation:
4. I have a book on animation that included storyboarding as part of the animation process. The book, which I have used for research check, is called How to Animate SpongeBob Squarepants. It is not the only book I have about animation that talks about storyboards (there is also much information on the internet), but it is one of my favorites.
5. At this moment, while I am not entirely sure what to study next, I want to look more into the actual animation process (primarily computer programs) to see if I can create a short animated feature.
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