Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Fourth Interview Questions

1. What is the most important aspect of designing a character for an animated feature?
2. Will a concept artist lose childish appeal if drawings have too much anatomy?
3. Should a design artist be more concerned with constructing a character so that its physical appearance suggests its personality, or that the character’s personality dictates its appearance?
4. How often do designers flounder with indecision when developing a character? Do they ever know precisely what they want?
5. Is there any game or movie that has been successful in character design?  
    What is it that makes it appealing?
6. What kind of sources do you rely on when developing characters for animation?
7. How can an animator find inspiration for character designs?
8. Walt Disney said that the eyes are the most important of character expression. Do you agree? Why or why not?
9. What makes models sheets such an important part of animation?
10. How can an animator keep characters looking consistent in a model sheet?
11. What can an animator do to improve drawing the character from different angle?
12. How does one develop the storyline for an animated feature?
13. When creating a storyboard, is it necessary to use camera actions such as "cut," "zoom," and such? Why or why not?
 14. When drawing using perspective, do you think it’s better to eyeball or use physical drawing tools such as a ruler?
15. What makes a character’s personality so important in the storyline?
16. Is it typical to give the main character a strong personality and background story, or leave him/her a blank slate? Why?
17. Would the storyline of an animation sequence be better told if the writer and character designer are the same person? If yes, why? If no, why not?
18. From an artist’s point of view, do you think people prefer characters to be more “cartoony” or highly realistic?
19. Should an animator copyright their design before it is officially recognized in the industry?
Why or why not?
20. What advice can you give an aspiring artist hoping to get their work known in public?


  1. Not approved. Please make the modifications I suggested in class (address all three EQ answers, etc...)

  2. Approved! (Again, fix question #7 and #14:

    #7. (This is a factual question that you can easily find in a book or article. Ask as critical thinking question that plays on the expertise of your interviewee. Instead ask: How can an animator find inspiration for character designs?)

    #14. (Change to: When drawing using perspective, do you think it’s better to eyeball or use physical drawing tools such as a ruler?)
