Tuesday, February 5, 2013

2-Hour Meeting Answer #2

1.  What is the most important aspect in designing a character for an animated feature?

2.  My second answer is about actual character design: it states the importance of using a model sheet and concept art when designing characters for animation.

3.  Model sheets serve a very important purpose in character design; they are what the artists rely on in order to keep a character’s proportions the same no matter what angle they’re animated in.
   Concept art actually comes before the model sheet. It consists of early drawings and designs for the character. As it is not the character’s final design, the sketches are often rough and unfinished, ideas of what the final product might look like.
http://media.comicvine.com/uploads/1/13536/1265020-2up2.jpg    (In case attached images don’t show up)
Official concept art for the Pokémon: Treecko                Treecko’s official design (appearing in games/anime)

4.  My mentor was probably my best source for this answer, as he told me about the importance of the concept art for designing a character. Both he and Duncan Studio’s head animator, Chris Suave, explained the importance of the model sheet and how it helped them when drawing characters (like I mentioned, model sheets help keep a character looking consistent).

5.  I hope to learn how I could create some concept art of a character I’m working on, make a model sheet,  and construct the character in the 3d computer program Maya.

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