Monday, April 1, 2013

Science Questions

1. What has made this experiment meaningful to your senior project?
A: By researching the data related to my senior project, I now have a better understanding of potential earnings to make a more sound financial decision as to whether to pursue 2D animation for television or go into 3D animation for feature films; either with the hope of utilizing my own character designs.
2. What is the important part of scientific process, and why?
A: The most important part of the scientific process is testing your ideas in order to interpret the data that you gathered so to determine potential outcomes or results and lead to further discussion with peers.
3. What is the correlation between the information you acquired and modern industry applications/society’s needs?
A: Although I focused primarily on cartoon animation, the correlation between cartoon animation for entertainment and animation for educational purposes supports society’s needs. The animated cartoon “School House Rock- How a Bill Becomes Law” illustrates the modern industry use of animation.

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